Place Management in Small Towns

Place Management isn’t just for cities and large towns. For the last year, Heartflood has been offering pro-bono support to Visit Knowle, who represent a small town on the boundary of Warwickshire & the West Midlands. Whilst Knowle is probably too small to form a Business Improvement District (an idea informally explored by local businesses a few years ago) there are many elements of place management that have benefited Knowle in the last 12 months and the future is rich with more opportunities.

Visit Knowle started out as a collective of businesses, residents, and community groups coming together last year to talk about how they could work together to benefit Knowle, celebrate its heritage and work together collaboratively. This combination of volunteers and the breadth of insights, expertise and experience they bring has positioned the group well for future projects.

Over the past year, Heartflood have helped form a collective vision for Visit Knowle, supported their formation as a Company Limited by Guarantee and are currently leading bids to several funding streams. Importantly, we are putting both businesses and the local community at the heart of the plans, which is already paying dividends in increasing local engagement and expanding reach on social media channels. We’ve also supported the creation of a robust business plan to focus energies for the year ahead.

So why have Heartflood invested their time in Visit Knowle? Simply, because Knowle is our hometown, is a great place to live & work, and is full of vibrant businesses & organisations that collectively form the heart of the place. Of course, we’re also passionate about place, and so we’ve poured that passion into our hometown and intend to continue to use cutting-edge best practice and thinking to support a sustainable range of improvements, delivered by passionate, knowledgeable people from all quarters of our community.